凡伯倫效應(Veblen Effect)是指消費者對一種商品的需求會因其價格較高而增加,而不是較低。這反映了人們對奢侈消費的心理渴望。當商品價格越高時,消費者反而更願意購買,這種現象最早由經濟學家凡伯倫注意到,因此被稱為「凡伯倫效應」。
The Veblen Effect
The Veblen Effect refers to the phenomenon where the demand for a good increases as its price increases, rather than decreases. This reflects the psychological desire of people for conspicuous consumption. When the price of a good goes up, consumers are more willing to purchase it, a phenomenon first observed by the economist Thorstein Veblen, and thus named the "Veblen Effect."
The law of demand under the Veblen Effect is: as the price of a good rises, consumers perceive its quality to be higher, and thus the demand quantity also increases. This goes against the general law of supply and demand. Particularly when consumers purchase luxury goods that can demonstrate their social status, they believe they are gaining more enjoyment, and thus the demand increases with the rising price.
The Veblen Effect tells us that the consumption behavior of high-end consumers can drive the entire market. When the price of a good decreases, some consumers may perceive its quality to have declined or its exclusivity to be lost, and thus stop purchasing.
The Veblen Effect is widely present in real life, such as the same style and quality of leather shoes being sold at a higher price in a large department store, but still having people willing to buy them. Some "sky-high" priced goods can also sell well, because the consumers' purpose is not only to obtain material satisfaction, but also psychological satisfaction.
By understanding the "Veblen Effect," companies can explore new business strategies, such as using media promotion to build a high reputation for their products or services, thereby enhancing consumer goodwill.