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商業理論_重要概念_跳蚤效應 (Fleas Effect)「中英雙語版」

跳蚤效應(Fleas Effect)是指跳蚤調節了自己跳的目標高度並適應了它,不再改變的現象。這個效應可以用來解釋人們在追求夢想或目標時所面臨的心理限制和自我設限。








Fleas Effect


The Flea Effect refers to the phenomenon where fleas adjust and adapt their jumping target height, and no longer change it. This effect can be used to explain the psychological limitations and self-imposed restrictions that people face when pursuing their dreams or goals.


The origin of the Flea Effect can be traced back to an experiment with a flea. In the experiment, a flea was placed in a glass cup, which it could easily jump out of. Then, a lid was placed on the glass cup. As a result, the flea would hit the lid every time it jumped. After some time, the flea started adjusting its jumping height according to the height of the lid. Eventually, even when the lid was removed, the flea was unable to jump out of the glass cup.


This experiment reveals an important psychological phenomenon. Due to the changes in the environment, the flea adjusted and adapted its jumping target height. However, when the opportunity arose again, it was unable to jump out. This phenomenon is also very common in humans. Many people, when pursuing their dreams or goals, are influenced by various objective factors, such as the opinions of others, difficulties, lack of resources, and lack of opportunities, which cause them to lower their own goals and no longer dare to pursue their dreams. When the opportunity finally arrives, they feel they cannot grasp it and choose to give up. This is not because they cannot achieve it, but because they have already psychologically limited themselves to a so-called "height."


The Flea Effect reminds us to be wary of the phenomenon of self-imposed limitations. When we set limits on our own abilities and potential, we are likely unable to fully realize our potential. Therefore, we should dare to pursue success and not let our psychological heights restrict our actions. As long as we have the ambition to succeed, we can find a stage to showcase our talents.

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