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商業理論_重要概念_霍布森選擇效應 (Hobson’s choice effect)「中英雙語版」


霍布森選擇效應(Hobson's choice effect)

霍布森選擇效應(Hobson's choice effect)是指在某種情境下,被迫只能接受唯一的選擇,而實際上並不存在真正的選擇餘地。這個詞語源於英國劍橋商人霍布森的故事,他提供多款馬匹,但他在販賣馬匹時,把門口設計得很小,又規定顧客只能在馬圈門口選擇馬匹,而體型較大的馬匹無法通過門口。由於如此,顧客總是傾向挑選一些熄質素較差的小馬,儘管如此,顧客依然會覺得做了最適合自己的選擇。




霍布森選擇效應 (Hobson’s choice effect) 的啟示:


1. 形式自由並不等同於真正的選擇自由。即使看起來有多種選擇,如果選擇的範圍實際上受到人為限制,那麼選擇自由也只是一種假象。


2. 需要關注選擇背後的環境條件和規則限制。只有了解影響選擇的各種因素,才能真正評估自己的選擇是否是自主和自由的。


3. 接受看似自由選擇的選項,可能只是在做出對自己最好的次優選擇。由於選擇受限,人們可能無法做出真正理想的選擇。


4. 提醒我們要保持警惕和批判性思維。不應輕易相信表面上的選擇自由,而要深入分析選擇的真實性和局限性。


5. 突出了選擇的設計和框架是重要的。設計者可以通過操控選擇環境來影響人們的選擇偏好。因此我們要注意選擇環境的設計和隱藏的動機。


The Hobson's Choice Effect

The Hobson's choice effect refers to a situation where one is forced to take the only option available, when there is no real choice at all. The term originates from the story of the English Cambridge stable owner Hobson, who provided multiple horses for customers to choose from, but designed the stable's doorway to be so small that only the smaller horses could pass through, while restricting customers to select horses only at the doorway. As a result, customers would typically choose the lower-quality smaller horses, even though they felt they were making the best choice for themselves.

The key feature of the Hobson's choice effect is that while the appearance of choice is given, the actual range of options is severely limited, or even reduced to a single choice. In such situations, people are forced to accept the one and only option available, without the ability to make a true choice. This so-called "choice" is in fact a pseudo-choice, a mere formality.

Implications of the Hobson's Choice Effect:

1 Formal freedom does not equate to genuine choice freedom. Even if there appear to be multiple options, if the range of choices is actually constrained by artificial limits, then the freedom of choice is just an illusion.

2 It is necessary to pay attention to the underlying environmental conditions and rules that restrict the choices. Only by understanding the various factors influencing the choices can one truly evaluate whether one's choices are autonomous and free.

3 Accepting the seemingly free choice options may often mean settling for the best sub-optimal choice. Due to the limitations on choice, people may be unable to make their truly ideal choice.

4 It serves as a reminder to maintain vigilance and critical thinking. One should not simply accept the surface-level freedom of choice, but rather delve into analyzing the authenticity and limitations of the choices.

5 It highlights the importance of the design and framework of choices. The choice architects can influence people's choice preferences by manipulating the choice environment, so we must be attentive to the design of the choice context and the hidden motivations behind it.

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